Friday, December 03, 2010

A Camera, A Bacteria, and Winter Birds!

Have you read about the guy who has had a titanium camera implanted in the back of his head?  Wonder what else he has implanted where.  Hmmmm.

Another bit of news this morning is the discovery of a new form of bacteria that thrives on arsenic.  This discovery strengthens the argument for extraterrestrial life.  I've always wondered why we humans think we are all that there is, or could be.  Maybe when our life here on Earth is over, some whooshing force projects us over to another orb in the firmament...and we simply start all over again.   

Woodpecker Eating Suet
Taken from Our Kitchen Window
The weather forecasters are chattering about a snow storm heading our way later today.  The winter birds are spending more time in our yard, now that we hung a chunk of suet out for them.  Birds love suet.  It gives them the energy they need to make it through our freezing winter days and nights. 

Feeding birds is a win-win situation.  The birds can establish and depend upon a feeding route, and it gives us a chance to connect with Nature in a most resourceful way.  The view from our kitchen window is pretty hard to beat when the cardinals, nuthatches, juncos, chickadees, and other tufted ones bring their hearty appetites to the bird feeders hanging from the branches of our lowly evergreen beside the house.  This is the tree that we were going to take down this summer, but didn't.

I'd best get crackin' here.  Think I'm going to spend my day putting my personal touches on a couple of holiday presents, and I'll be sure to keep an eye out for those first snowflakes to fall.    

Today's Quote:  "Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire:  it is the time for home."  -Edith Sitwell