Friday, July 08, 2011

Casey Anthony

Having worked in the legal arena all my life, I'm always interested in the high-profile cases that the media brings into our homes. The unfortunate part of the media's coverage is that we pick up only snippets of the evidence. Unless I'm present in the courtroom to hear every single word of testimony, and view all the evidence, there is no way that I'm qualified to give a bona fide opinion of guilt or innocence. However, like everyone else, I can't help but have my own thoughts regarding the Casey Anthony case.

The jurors are now saying that they wish there had been evidence to make a conviction. They were sick to their stomachs to announce their decision. The 'who, why, where, and how' just weren't shown to them. Anyone who has served on a jury knows perfectly well that serving on a jury is not easy. Add onto that the fact that the jury's decision might sentence someone to death....well, that's about as tough as it gets. Would the verdict have been different if prosecution hadn't asked for the death penalty?

I can't imagine life outside of prison being easy for this woman. I ask myself, what if she would move into the house across the street from me. Would I allow my children to play at her house?

Whether she was found guilty or innocent now isn't the point. Either way, she has to live with herself. If, in fact, she is guilty of killing her little girl, then her nightmares will be her prison. Conscience is a flawlessly accurate jury.

Speculation has it that she's going to write a book. Will I read it? My curiosity would tell me to read it, but my sense of right and wrong would tell me not to. If I knew the proceeds would go back to the State of Florida, probably then I would.

I'd like nothing more than to be able to watch a rerun of the trial and come up with an unbiased decision. What bugs me is that the prosecutors know full well what they need to show a jury in order to get a conviction. Just makes absolutely no sense to me why the State of Florida pursued a case of this magnitude without having sufficient evidence to show the jury.