Sunday, February 05, 2012

Go Patriots

This morning I opened a new can of coffee.  I salute the person who came up with a foil coffee can lid to replace the metal one with jagged edges.  The manual can opener is not a friend to the arthritic hand.  Another real bugger is the pill bottle with childproof covers. Pressing down and twisting those plastic caps was enough to make me scream.  I finally asked the pharmacist to please use the non-childproof covers for my meds.  Before he could do that, I had to sign the proverbial CYA release.

Today we're invited to a house warming party for someone very special to us.  I am going to fix a veggie pizza to contribute to the snack table.  It'll be easy and yummy and healthy.  This young gal is starting a new life in her own apartment, and we're each bringing something to help her get started.  She's had a lifetime of health issues, so this is a 'big hurrah' day.  I bought a non-stick cookie sheet for the veggie pizza, and then I'll leave it for her.

I went through our dish towels and put together a set of seven that hubby's mother had hand-embroidered, one for each day of the week.  We know his mom would want us to do this. Sometimes the special connection to a gift means more than the gift itself.

Am also going to make her a floral arrangement of pretty silk pink roses in an adorable tea pot.  I just love putting flower arrangements together, and I think the roses will add a special touch to her new home.  My thumb has grown quite fond of growing fabric flowers.  They don't wilt.  They don't dry up and get crunchy.

And, of course, it's Super Bowl Sunday.  Migod, yesterday the grocery store aisles were jammed with women shoppers heaping their carts with chips, crackers, dips, cheeses, meats, and booze.  The stores put novel ads in their weekly flyer, and naturally we took advantage of them like good cherry pickers should.

I've got $20 riding on the Patriots, so I'll be cheering on New England.  Hubby and I will have our own party here later tonight with special munchies.  I think I wrote before that I don't even understand the game of football, but I know enough to recognize a touchdown.....I tell by the screaming crowds when one of the players runs across that line way on the far end of the playing field.  I think I got that right.

My fun with any sport is placing bets.  Since I quit work, I've put a lid on my bets and go no more than $20.  Oh, I suppose I could be coaxed into going higher, but twenty seems to be a comfortable win or loss.  I've got a favorite betting buddy, and he's always itching to throw me a bet or grab one that I throw at him.  I think the same $20 bill goes from his billfold into mine, back and forth.  Like my Mom used to say, "You can't win if you don't bet."

Much to do in the next few hours, so will scoot and sign off........GO KICK SOME BUTT, PATRIOTS!