Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Virginia Bluebells

Virginia Bluebells are dear to my heart.  When my Auntie was in the rest home some years back, I picked a bouquet of bluebells and took them to her.  There was nothing in the world that I could have given her that would have made her happier, and they brought simple elegance to her bedside table. 

When we're out on one of our more remote springtime drives, my husband usually makes it a point to stop and pick me a small bouquet.  He knows how special they are to me, and I can't describe the delicately sweet fragrance that saturates our vehicle until we get home and put them in a vase.

"Pretty little thing
sometimes you gotta look up
and let the world see
all the beauty that you're made of
cause the way you hang your head
nobody can tell
you're my Virginia bluebell
my Virginia bluebell."

Lyrics by Miranda Lambert