We cut up all of our rhubarb, put 2 cups in each freezer bag, and delivered them to our niece to put in her freezer. She doesn't have rhubarb plants, and we know she and her family really like it. While we were at her place, I took some adorable pictures that I just have to share.
Baby Robins |
Look at these precious baby robins. Their nest is tucked inside a young evergreen tree, and they are visible from one side through a small gap in the branches.
Last year about this same time I blogged about a nest of blue robin eggs, and that picture was also taken in my niece's yard. She and I share the love of nature, and that is obvious cuz we were on a tour of spring sightings the minute we stepped out of our car. There's something so neat to see oneself reflected in another family member....other than one's own child.
Baby Bunnies Sound Asleep |
We visited another nest, and this one has baby bunnies sleeping in a pile. These little guys are laying beneath a blue creeping flower, and they wouldn't have been found if J hadn't moved part of flower it to see why some of the foliage was not turning green. Nothing in nature escapes her curiosities. Aren't they precious? I wanted to pick one up, but we know better than disturb spring babies of any kind.
Beautiful Blue |
Tucked partially beneath her deck is this clump of pretty pansies. Their colors remind me of the Indigo Buntings that come visit our bird feeders occasionally. Isn't color an added source of pleasure for us? I often wonder about the colors of flowers and how they naturally lure the birds and bees to them with their nectar and scent.
Magnificent Magenta |
Positively Pink |
Regal Red |
Dainty Lily of the Valley
Living Under a Hosta |
Whisps of White |
Woodpile Posey |
See the mud? |
Our last discovery was this Barn Swallow nest tucked in the woodpile. The reason we know it belongs to a Barn Swallow is because the nest is made partially of mud. Strict orders were given to the family not to disrupt this charming little country abode.
What started out to be a simple delivery of rhubarb, turned into a back yard nature tour of the nicest kind. Plants, flowers, birds, and animals know they're safe when they live close to my niece, cuz she's going to protect and watch out for them until they're old enough to be on their own.
I sure hope they enjoy the rhubarb. I just know she'll be making her Gramma B's scratch rhubarb cake. It's how generations hold onto each other, and in our family, food is the best way to do that!