Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Sisterhood of Silly Socks

If anyone out there is wondering what Christmas present to buy for a sister, a cousin, a niece, a mother, a grandmother, a daughter.....any age "little girl".....then here is a suggestion.

Go out and buy a pair of cute and colorful holiday socks....there are many available in the stores.....wrap 'em up, and attach a note, "Welcome to the Sisterhood of Silly Socks."  I can pretty much guarantee that this will bring kicks and jollies to whoever receives them. 

This could be the start of a family or friend tradition.  Who doesn't want a pair of snuggly socks to keep their tootsies cuddly during the winter months!  What's fun about this is that it's a "girl thing." 

If anyone out there has any like ideas for the "little guys," please leave them in the comments.  We're all in the same boat when it comes to.....what to give.

We have already bought some of our Christmas presents.  Now that we are retired, we have more time to be out and about, stop randomly in stores that look interesting to us, and we like buying gifts that are just a bit out of the ordinary.  It's always a good idea to ask the store clerks if they gift wrap.  Surprisingly, there are quite a few that are happy to do so, and why not take advantage of these perks at this busiest time of the year.

We're seeing a few snowflakes falling. I checked the thermometer when I got up this morning, and it read 20 degrees.  Perfect for the 1st of December.

Today's Trivia:  There is a town called Santa Claus, Indiana.