Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Ballot Day

Oh, boy, today's calendar is filled.  Wouldn't you know it, I overslept on the day I have an appointment to get my eyes checked.  Rats.  That gives me less time to enter my cyberspace chamber and tend to my blog.  So, lord only knows where this is going.

First of all, yesterday's trivia remark was right.  I lost 20 smackers on the World Series.  My comments will not go public on that fiasco.  So, Bobbie, next time I see you I'll be ready to share my retirement savings with you!!!!! 

Secondly, today is the day we go to pick out our turkeys.  Naturally, I have my solid preferences and will be more than pleased to do my part to elect persons who will never be able to live up to their campaign chants.  As I've said before, if this country wanted to fix itself, it would.  We seem to be able to fix every other country, or think we can.  For just one single year, if we'd withdraw our beaks from other global territories and concentrate on our own soil's problems, I dare say we'd come out far better than where we are now.  If Washington would call up the young men and women in the Reserves to active "Fix America" duty, keep them within our borders, and ask them to fix our infrastructures, I'll just bet they'd come a running to duty.  They wouldn't have to endure extreme heat, sand storms, fear of being maimed or killed.  We could house them in motels and boost our economy from within.  But, as always, my solutions tend to be based on common sense, and common sense passed away.  We don't know when it died, where it's buried, and the media neglected to cover the assassination.  Common sense is buried somewhere as an Unknown Necessity unable to rest in peace because it has answers that nobody wants! 

Yesterday we took our car to be serviced after we tended to other business.  Good to get it winterized and ready for nasty weather.  We like to be set and ready for the highway in case of an emergency.  A person never knows when we'll get a call and have to leave home in a hurry.   

We also stopped to visit one of our nieces who lives out in the country, but no one was home.  I took the liberty of disarranging her pumpkin decorations and placed a pumpkin in front of both their garage doors, one on their picnic table, and one beside their front door.  Then I left them a spooky phone message saying that the Pumpkin Man was there and they should keep an eye out for goblins that he left lurking around their house.  Just as we drove in our driveway, my niece called our cell phone.  She said the minute she saw the pumpkins she knew there were only two people who would do something like that-----auntie and uncle.  Goodie gumdrops, they know who to fear!!!!! 

As I said, this morning at 9:50 I have an appointment for an eye exam.  The doctor is watching 'something' on the back of my eye, so I want to be religious in going to the exams.  If and when this 'something' worsens, I would have to have eye surgery.  Isn't that a kick in the pants!  But, I've had one cataract removed, and that was a piece of cake.  Medical advancements are way wonderful, so a person can't live with fears of what's ahead.  My eyes haven't had any specific problems lately, so I'm not too worried at this point.  My fingers are crossed, tho.

Looks to be another pretty day outside.  Thus far I've only managed to get to the coffee pot for my morning boost and to my laptop.  The clock is ticking so must be on my way.  Ta-ta.