Am back home sporting a jazzy pizzazzy new hip. Am pleased to say surgery went very well. In addition to the arthritic deterioration, the surgeon also removed a cyst from the hip joint that was also a culprit. Now I have to be a good little girl and do my in-home physical therapy exercises and walk, walk, walk. Before I left the hospital, my surgeon smiled and said, "Go on home and get on with living."
Needing to use a walker and a cane really punctures my balloon, but I'm so grateful to have been fixed. In order for me to walk up and down steps, I'm using my mother's cane. Mom was a strong and determined lady, and it's almost like I can feel her energy and spirit coming to me when I use it.
It's so good to be home. There's no place like it in the whole wide world, that's for sure. My hubby stood beside me throughout the ordeal, and it's oh so obvious our little fluff ball is tickled pink to have the three of us home together.