Yesterday I read the book "Bee Season" by Myla Goldberg. It's a story about a young girl with amazing word-spelling ability who manages to win spelling bees. On page 170 of the book is the sentence, "Within EARTH, there is HEART." Isn't that a wonderful anagram? That's all it took for my mind to now be saturated with thoughts about words and phrases that have the same letters. So far this morning I've found some really neat ones....
The eyes = they see
Tom Cruise = So I'm Cuter
Debit Card = Bad Credit
A Decimal Point - I'm a Dot In Place
Clothes Pins = So Let's Pinch
Dormitory = Dirty Room
Statue of Liberty = Built to Stay Free
Astronomer = Moon Starer
The United States of America = Attaineth Its Cause, Freedom
Conversation = Voices Rant On
Saddam Hussein = Human Sad Side
Eleven Plus Two = Twelve Plus One
Listen = Silent
A Domesticated Animal = Docile, As a Man Tamed It
Garbage Man = Bag Manager
Now I'm liked a caged tiger, wanting to sink my teeth into the fresh meat of new anagrams. What should I do.......GOOGLE? or GO OGLE?
Ta-ta and have a sweet Sunday.