Sunday, August 12, 2012

Minnesota's Charming Characteristics

Cathedral Aisle

Did you know?

  •  The small extension on the northern tip of Minnesota makes Minnesota the northernmost point of all 48 contiguous states, including Maine.  This area is known as the "Northwest Angle" and is only accessible by land through Canada.
  • The northernmost town in the contiguous 48 states is Angle Inlet, Minnesota.
  • Minnesota has 90,000 miles of shoreline, more than California, Florida and Hawaii combined.
  • Minnesota's waters flow outward in three directions:  North to Hudson Bay in Canada, East to the Atlantic Ocean, and South to the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Minnesota has 11,842 lakes over 10 acres in size.
  • Minnesota has 6,564 natural rivers and streams that together flow for 69,000 miles.