Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New Addition to Blog.....Photo of the Day

High temperatures are moving into our area today, forecast calls for high 90s.  Early morning breezes have the flag dancing and our windows open to let some fresh air in the house.  Won't be long before all windows and doors will be closed and the air-conditioner turned on.  It's summer!

We're gearing up for a G-clan family reunion here this Saturday.  Cannot wait for hubby's family to come to our house, get re-acquainted, and eat a good old-fashioned pot-luck picnic dinner together.  We may go to the cathedral  for our spiritual food, but the communion received at an outdoor family reunion is the best blessing there is.

To all the G-clan planning to attend, we can't wait for Saturday.  To those who aren't able to attend, we will miss you so much!


Starting today, I'm introducing something new to my daily blog.....Photo of the Day.  The picture will be one taken by me of a simplicity, an oddity, or a marvel.  My photos won't be spectacular or breathtaking, but might possibly tweak the human spirit or give a giggle.  Please have fun with me as I share the small things that get overlooked on this beautiful Earth of ours.

Plant Pants