Saturday, October 01, 2011

Simple Celebration

History repeated itself. Yesterday's weather was exactly as it was in 1967.  Sunshine, cool air, blue skies, crisp leaves carpeting the ground.....loveliness everywhere.

Roses on an Amish farm
We filled our anniversary with a highway venture to the Amish country.  Pork tenderloins at a small cafe sounded appealing to both of us for lunch, and we splurged with mounds of crispy golden-brown french fries on the side.  We ordered 'em 'well done' cuz there's nothing less appetizing than limpy wimpy fries that refuse to dip into a puddle of ketchup.

Beauty of the Bluffs

"I wish they'd hurry up!"
Being it was Friday, we hit town-wide garage sales in one of the towns we passed through.......oooooh, did we have fun.  The fuzzy one went along, and she waited in the car while we scanned the sale tables and racks.  She's accustomed to the routine and doesn't put up a fuss.  Since she was a puppy, we've told her "we'll be right back," and she understands what that means.

We took New York Strips out of the freezer for supper, stopped at Kwik Star for baking potatoes, to have with stuffed acorn squash from our garden  Yowza, how good was that.  Today we are joining family for a special dining experience at a Japanese Restaurant to celebrate our anniversary, brother's anniversary, and niece's birthday.  October is starting out with fireworks!

I see the frost fairies were dancing during the night hours.  Nature keeps right on working at the easel while we snooze, creating surprises for us when we wake up.  Our morning is quiet.  I look out our front door and watch a single leaf float down from its parent tree.  It's difficult to imagine that parts of the world are at war right this minute.  I wish I could offer those suffering ones a slice of my morning's peace, but I shall offer a compassionate prayer instead.

"There is something in October sets the gypsy blood astir,
We must rise and follow her.
When from every hill of flame,
She calls and calls each vagabond by name."
~William Bliss Carman