Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Friendship of a Rare Kind

The fuzzy one started barking.  Two people stood on our front porch.

Our first hug lasted a long time.  It was the reunion of two girls who have been pen pals for 45 years.  We had changed calendars 23 times since we last saw each other.  

She lives out east, just far enough away from me to make visits a challenge.  She and her husband are on the tail end of a trip that spanned our continent so they could follow the Lewis & Clark Trail.  They are staying a few nights at a B&B just around the corner from our home. 

Today the four of us are going to rod around in our vehicle so they can sit back and relax after driving so many days and so many miles on their trip.  We will be the tour guides.  I've been making notes of places we'd like for them to see while they're here. 

I must make this blog short, as within the hour the fuzzy one will once again start barking when she sees those same two people standing on our front porch.  I've got to get in the shower so I'm ready when the door bell rings.  To the rest of the world, this is just another ordinary day.  For us pen pals.......well, it's gonna be mighty special!