Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Guilt: Punishing Yourself Before God Doesn't

My Conscience
If you are one of my regular treasured blog followers, today you will notice that yesterday's blog disappeared into cyberspace.  The reason for that  There's a Catholic gene  mixed into my blood, and it nourishes a place in my brain that triggers GUILT.  That horrid emotion that eats us alive if we either did something or didn't do something. Those who read yesterday's blog while it existed, know that I talked about a personal experience I had about fifteen years ago while attending a women's weekend retreat.  For whatever reason, my Catholic conscience haunted me all day....until I deleted it.

Today my husband isn't very pleased with me for deleting the blog, because he didn't get to read it.  He says I shouldn't do that.  He strongly feels that my blogs are my honest feelings, they belong to me, and that guilt shouldn't have such power over me.  So, this morning I'm sitting here regretting the deletion.  Oh, well, it's a good lesson for me.  Seems no matter how old I get, experience still has me sitting in the front row of its classroom.

Onto a happier note, we celebrated my hubby's birthday yesterday in fine fashion.  We left home about 8 o'clock in the morning and returned home about that time in the evening.  The main event was a Christmas tour of a famous mansion dolled up in its holiday finery.  We packed our day with one fun thing after another, until we parked our car in the driveway.  We couldn't help but laugh cuz both of us were groaning as we got out of the car, every muscle in our bodies protesting their overuse.  We laughed at our physical exhaustion, wondering what we'll feel like five years from now!

Buck In Front of Us
Outside a Store
Today's Trivia:  Clans of long ago that wanted to get rid of their unwanted people without killing them used to burn their houses down......thus, the expression to "get fired."