Saturday, October 23, 2010

Change in Weather

Every year we hear ourselves saying "one-of-these-days-the-weather's-gonna-change."  Well, it has.  Mother Nature decided to flip her calendar during the night while we were all sound asleep.  It's raining here, and snowfall and heavy winds will be descending on the Northwestern states and higher elevations.  I think our area is going to see only rain.  Let's hope so, anyway.

We pulled into our driveway around midnight after our nephew's wedding yesterday.  We know it was the light of the moon that kept us from hitting the deer that jumped on the road in front of our car.  A person has to be so darned careful this time of year when the farmers are harvesting their crops and the mating season of the whitetail begins.   

The wedding was positively sweet.  Our small family welcomed a new member, and from now on J is officially "one of us."  The family circle of life keeps turning.  Some leave, but we pick up new ones along the way.  I lit two vigil lights on a side altar before the ceremony, praying an Auntie's prayer for the bride and groom.  Please, Great Spirit, keep them safe, keep them happy, and keep their hearts tied together as best friends for all time.  We have learned, like every other married couple learns, that we have to pull together or else we pull apart. 

After driving right at 300 miles and getting home quite late last night, I think I'm going to go snuggle in my fleecy blanket and watch t.v. and let myself drift off into a sound snooze.  What an  ideal way to spend a Saturday afternoon, listening to the rain drops splatter against the panes and maybe some thunder for a lullaby.  And, even though the sky is covered with clouds, I must say that things are shaping up for it to be one of those sunny-side-up kinda days!